Supporting youth and education programs is at the heart of the Virginia SAR. By fostering a deep appreciation for American history and patriotism among young people, Virginia SAR's initiatives, such as the Eagle Scout Scholarship, ROTC/JROTC Cadet Recognition, and various essay and oration contests, empower the next generation to become informed and engaged citizens These programs not only honor the legacy of our patriot ancestors but also provide invaluable opportunities for personal growth, academic achievement, and community involvement. Through dedicated support and innovative educational resources, Virginia SAR is committed to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Student and Educator Contests and Committees | National SAR: State and Chapter Awards Get InvolvedGetting involved with youth and education programs through the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) is a truly rewarding endeavor for several reasons:
By being involved in youth and education programs, SAR members not only honor their ancestors but also ensure that the legacy of the American Revolution remains vibrant and influential for generations to come. Youth Protection TrainingCompatriots must place the welfare and safety interests of youth in their care above all else. All youth and mentors deserve a safe, positive, and enjoyable experience while participating in our programs and events. This policy must be carried out in a manner consistent with federal, state, and local laws. National SAR policy (PDF) encourages everyone who works with our SAR Youth Awards Programs, Education Outreach, Patriot Chests, the Children of the American Revolution, or the Color Guard to review and become familiar with this policy and to keep your Youth Protection Training up to date. The online training course is also available under the Quick Links tab. Virginia SAR Youth and Education Committees and ResourcesStudents
National SAR Resources and AwardsThe National SAR defines and supports the educational goals and programs on the local, state, and national level. Visit to learn more about the programs, their history and requirements. The Virginia SAR Youth and Education programs are a core focus area of our society and its compatriots, our continued excellence supporting the youth of Virginia is often recognized at the National SAR Annual Congress. President General's Education Outreach Award and Streamer— The chapters that have presented a certain number of new historical presentations or that have presented an existing presentation in a new venue or to a new audience. Virginia SAR chapter award winners include:
Ohanesian History Presentations AwardThe Ohanesian History Presentations Award, approved in 2020, is presented to those chapters whose members collectively make the most oral presentations on any aspect of the American Revolution to classes/groups in schools (K-12) in their respective geographic service areas. (Cash award)
Council of Youth Programs Outstanding Participation AwardAwarded at the National Congress to state societies who have fulfilled the qualifications of the previous year. The qualifications are that each society must submit entries to at least six of the seven national youth contests.
Youth and Education Programs Committee
Sub-committees |