Teacher of the Year Awards

Contest Overview

The Virginia SAR Youth Education Committee is responsible for identifying teachers, who are qualified and eligible to receive either the Virginia Society Teacher of the Year Award or the National Tom and Betty Lawrence History Teacher of the Year Award. The Virginia Society Teacher of the Year program was established in 1986 to promote the recognition of outstanding teachers within the Commonwealth.  The Tom and Betty Lawrence History Teacher of the Year was established in 2006 to honor the most outstanding United States History Teacher in the Nation.  As a result of the establishment of these programs a three tiered system of recognition was created Tier 1 being the local Chapter, Tier two being the State Society, and The National Society being the third tier.

Goals of the Contest

Chapters are encouraged to recognize at least one outstanding teacher from an elementary, middle, and high school and/or an outstanding teacher from each of the counties surrounding the location of the chapterHowever, each chapter is permitted to forward credentials of only one candidate to be considered for the Virginia SAR Teacher of the Year Award. Chapters are also encouraged to present Bronze Good Citizenship Medals or Outstanding Citizenship certificates at an appropriate ceremony of their discretion, to their selected educators.

While the selection criteria at the Chapter level is left to the discretion of the Chapter and there is no set limit on the number of teachers a chapter may honor and the pedagogy, for example government or social science is not mandated, it is still felt that the teacher should in some way exemplify some instruction, which conforms to the goals of the Sons of the American Revolution and teaches content relevant to the Revolutionary Period 1750–1800. Examples may include an elementary teacher who includes aspects of American History in their instruction, a Middle School teacher who provides instruction in Civics, or a High School teacher who teaches Government or American History.


The Virginia Society Teacher of the Year Award requires the following paperwork to be submitted:

  1. Cover Sheet with name, contact information, school name, school district, grade(s) taught, and subject matter taught.
  2. A letter of nomination signed by the Chapter President*
  3. A supporting letter or statement signed by the nominee’s principal*
  4. At least one but no more than three additional letters or statements to support the nomination*
  5. A career summary or CV prepared by the nominee or the sponsoring chapter, which addresses the parameters found in paragraph D below

*Note: Documents 2-4 should not exceed 400 words each.

Considerations for Candidate Selection

The Chapter’s selection of a final nomination to submit for consideration by the State Youth Education Committee  should be based on the references and application(s) submitted by the nominee(s) and made using the following parameters: “Applicants should ensure that the references, especially those of supervisors, address the parameters.”

  • Does He/She demonstrate professional development and the use of new instructional methods in his/her field?
  • Does He/She Demonstrates demonstrate sustained accomplishment in the classroom accomplishments?
  • Does He/She demonstrate effective teaching techniques; as seen in successful student outcomes?
  • Does He/She communicate the curriculum to the students in a manner which makes it relevant and necessary in developing themselves as productive citizens?
  • Has He or She been involved in the publications of papers, leading seminars, making public speeches, and participating in parent/student activities?
  • Is He/She striving to make improvements in the education profession?
  • Applications must be received not later than 31 December to be considered by the Committee.
  • Application can either be scanned and emailed to the Committee Chairman or forwarded through the regular mail.  Scanned and emailed applications should be in either MS Word or PDF formats.  Nominations submitted in other formats will not be accepted.

Submission Requirements

Virginia SAR Selection Process

The Committee will meet via Zoom or other electronic method in the first week of January to select a Virginia Society Teacher of the Year; the name of which will be forwarded to the Virginia Society Awards Board.  Committee members will review the application and its supporting documents, as outlined in Para C 1-5, to determine the extent to which candidates meet the criteria for consideration. 

At the Virginia SAR Annual Meeting, the Virginia Society will recognize one teacher as the Virginia SAR American History Teacher of the Year.  Virginia SAR will present that teacher with a personal Virginia SAR American History Teacher of the Year Acrylic and a cash award.  The Chapter sponsoring the Virginia SAR American History Teacher of the Year will be presented an appropriate recognition streamer.

Nomination Requirements

Chapters who feel their nominee for Virginia Society Teacher of the Year meets the requirements for the Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher of the Year criteria as outlined on the National Society Website or who feel they may have both a candidate for the Virginia Society Teacher of the Year and a separate candidate for the Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher of the Year will need to prepare a separate application using the forms and guidance found on the national Website.  The Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher of the Year application must be received by the Virginia Youth Education Chairman no later than 31 December.  The Youth Education Committee will consider nominations for Tom and Betty Lawrence during is meeting in the first week of January and submit its recommendation to the Virginia Society Awards Board.  If a nominee is chosen an acrylic and cash award will be presented during the Annual Meeting.  The Chosen nominee’s application will then be forwarded to the national Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher board in Louisville.



  • Mark Day (Chair) 
  • Charles E. Driscoll
  • Geoff Cobham
  • Gary Hall