SAR/C.A.R. Activity Award and Liaison CommitteeActivity AwardThe National Society of the Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) is an organization of persons through 21 years of age who are lineal descendants of a patriot of the American Revolution. The C.A.R. is an independent organization which looks to the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), and General Society of the Sons of the Revolution (SR) for its leadership and financial support. The C.A.R. needs adult leaders, financial support, and members. SAR members may hold a “Senior Leader” office in a local-, state-, regional-, or the national-levels of the C.A.R. Direct descendants of SAR and DAR members (from birth to 22 years of age) are eligible for C.A.R. membership. Every SAR chapter and state-level society should have a C.A.R. Chairman or Liaison Officer who focuses support and encouragement on this very worthwhile youth organization. It is encouraged to award the SAR, DAR, and C.A.R. members who give their time and effort toward supporting the C.A.R. This recognition can be given through the SAR or C.A.R. Medals of Appreciation or other appropriate medals for support and service to the C.A.R. Interested SAR State Societies may apply for recognition of their C.A.R. involvement using the “C.A.R. Activity Award Form” (Linked below). Every local SAR chapter and state-level society should have a C.A.R. chairman or liaison officer who focuses on support and participation across our very aligned organizations. YOUTH AWARDS FORM WITH INSTRUCTIONSC.A.R. Liaison CommitteeThe C.A.R. Liaison Committee is responsible for promoting the interaction between the SAR and the C.A.R.. This effort includes:
SAR–C.A.R. Medal of Appreciation
Get in Touch!For further information on the Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.), local community activities, or how to become involved through membership or SAR sponsorship, please contact the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution through its website link below or contact your National SAR-C.A.R. Liaison Committee (Link to committee page). Virginia Society C.A.R. Liaison Chairman: Lawrence E. McKinley ([email protected]) National C.A.R. Committee Webpage: Virginia C.A.R. Website: National C.A.R. Website: Virginia C.A.R. & SAR Chapter MapDonations to the SAR/C.A.R. Liaison CommitteeVirginia SAR compatriots and the general public are encouraged to support the SAR/C.A.R. Liaison Committee. C.A.R. develops good citizens and trains our future leaders at all levels of the organization. SAR plays a large role in this training through the SAR-C.A.R. Liaison Committee. Your donation supports this committee’s activities and special donation projects to support the C.A.R.
State-level donations designated to benefit the SAR/C.A.R. Liaison Committee shall be given a rank in the Virginia Society First Virginia Regiment, based on the level of the contribution.
National-level donations should be sent directly to Headquarters and designated to benefit the C.A.R. Liaison Committee. |