Veterans Affairs Committee

The Veterans’ Affairs Committee is responsible for encouraging chapters to support veterans and their families. Support includes:

(a)   Visits to veterans in hospitals or nursing homes;
(b)   Providing an outing for a veteran confined for reasons of health;
(c)   Serving as a volunteer at veterans’ hospitals;
(d)   Providing material support to veterans’ hospitals;
(e)   Providing support for families at the time of the death of a veteran;
(f)    Support the Operation Ancestor Search (OAS) program for wounded warriors; and
(g)   Providing recognition to veterans for their service.

(2)   The Committee is also responsible for the Stark Memorial Award Competition:


USS Stark Memorial Award Contest

 Stark Reporting Form

Stark report mileage calculation

The USS Stark Contest is a way for the National Veterans Affairs Committee to determine how well the chapters are supporting one of the major goals of the NSSAR.  That is support of veterans.  All are encourage to maintain a list of activities throughout the year on the USS Stark Tracker Form, to which a link is provided below.  We have 21 chapters submitting now and hope to get this 100% in the coming years.  There are a number of ways in which compatriots can participate.

  1. Visit veterans with a disability or illness in a Hospital, nursing home or at their residence or taking one or more veterans on an outing.  Gifts donated to organizations whose primary purpose is to serve veterans.  This can be either cash donations, personal care items, publications, clothing or new/used items such as TVs, computers, etc., donated to an organization whose primary clients are veterans.
  2. Participate in the Wounded Warriors Program. 
  3. Participate in activities recognizing or supporting veterans in cooperation with other organizations.
  4. Decorate veterans graves and removal of decorations.
  5. Participation in veteran’s funeral.

For most of the categories, you can count round trip mileage from your residence to the activity and the time spent at the activity.  Form some you count money spent and others whether in business or colonial attire.

The best way to keep up with activities, is to maintain a USS Stark Activities Tracker Form.  Keep track of activities and events as they occur.  This form will compute your points automatically and make it easy to fill out the USS Stark Contest Form.  This form and the contest form can be found at the National Website, Veterans Committee.

Service to Veterans Medal

Ribbon in blue, white and red cloth suspending a bronze medallion depicting outstretched hands

The Service to Veterans Medal may be awarded to SAR members who have given long and exemplary service to veterans.  The medal is awarded for 5000 USS Stark Award points accrued by the SAR member.  Additional awards may be earned for each additional 3000 points earned,