Joseph S. Rumbaugh Oration ContestContest OverviewThe Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest is a youth program sponsored by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution that encourages high school students to research a topic pertaining to the American Revolutionary War time period and then write about and orate on their topic. The contest promotes historical accuracy, significance, relevance to current events, and of course a dynamic and proficient execution. Oratorical abilities continue to be important in many aspects of life, and the SAR hopes to encourage students to develop and refine these skills. CommitteeThe Virginia State Society Oration Contest Committee has several functions:
Entering the Oration ContestParticipants will need to contact a local SAR chapter where they will compete (if there are multiple entries) to be selected as the Chapter winner. Chapters will recruit participants through the early school year (September to December) and finalize their contest and select a winner sometime in January. To find a local chapter, contact the state chairman at the email address below.
Chapter prizes vary, but the state-level prizes are as follows:
All winners receive a certificate, and the first place winner also receives a attractive medallion on a neck ribbon. Additional InformationFor more information about the contest, or for more details about contacting a local chapter, please email the Chairman Tom Kiess at [email protected]. Donations to the Rumbaugh Oration Contest / Youth ProgramsVirginia SAR compatriots and the general public are encouraged to support the Brennan Fund (Youth Programs), including the Rumbaugh Oration Contest. Your contributions enrich these programs and encourage students across the Commonwealth to showcase their creativity and talents.
State-level donations designated to the Brennan Fund (Youth Programs) benefiting youth and education programs shall be given a rank in the Virginia Society First Virginia Regiment, based on the level of the contribution.
National-level donations lead to the Dr. Joseph Warren Medal for Orations or “The Warren Medal” which is designed to recognize those individuals who make significant contributions to the endowment fund. The Medal may be presented to the donor or to honor any individual designated by the donor(s) in recognition of their contributions to the National Oration Contest. Dr. Joseph Warren, a Boston doctor, was selected to commemorate the anniversary of the Boston Massacre. Because unforgiving British officers and sympathizers would heckle the orator, Warren presented his oration with a steady and firm voice. Warren’s stirring oratory skill recruited more patriots and moved others to support the Revolution. The funds generated by sales of the medal are used to increase the endowment for the cash awards presented by these contests. The medal is awarded following a donation of $250.00 or more. |