Eagle Scout Program & Scholarship ContestThe Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest is open to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in an active unit and have not reached their 19th birthday during the year of application. The year that the Eagle rank was awarded is not restricted. Each Eagle Scout must complete an application form, a four-generation ancestor chart, and a 500-word patriotic themed essay. The contest must be entered through a Virginia SAR chapter near the student’s residence. For a contest application and rules click on the link above or contact Bruce Laubach, email is [email protected]. Entries for the Virginia contest are due in December 1st each year. Winners of chapter competitions will have the opportunity to compete for one of the three Virginia SAR Cash Scholarship Awards, ranging from $200 to $1000. National First Place Winner receives $10,000; Runner-up receives $6,000; and 2nd Runner-up receives $4,000. ⭐⭐⭐ Resources
CommitteeThe Committee administers the Eagle Scout Awards Program and the Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship Awards Program. It maintains continuing liaison with the leadership of Boy Scouts of America organization. (1) The Eagle Scout Committee is responsible for promoting participation in the Eagle Scout Recognition and Scholarship Programs. All chapters in the Virginia Society are encouraged to participate by appointing a Chapter Eagle Scout Chairman who will implement the chapter’s program in conformity with the NSSAR Administrative Guide-Eagle Scout Recognition and Scholarship Program (copies of which will be provided each chapter).
(2) Eligible Eagle Scouts will be presented a "Certificate of Recognition" upon request and made aware of the Scholarship program and invited to participate through (1) The Virginia Society website that includes pages dedicated to the Eagle Scout Program and provides instructions to the scout on how to participate; or (2) direct or indirect mailings (electronic or otherwise) to the scout, his troop or local council with information about the scholarship program and instructions on how to participate. (3) The Committee will assist the chapters in implementing their respective programs, including the supply of necessary material – application forms, ancestor charts, essay topic suggestions and instructions, National SAR promotional brochure and certificates of recognition. The required application forms, ancestor chart and instructions and suggested topics for the essay can be downloaded from either the Virginia Society or National SAR websites. Chapters may elect to award their winning entrant the Eagle Scout Medal. In 2008 the National Eagle Scout Committee voted to reimburse local chapters for Eagle Scout Medals they present. The obtaining of the National supplied medals and the redistribution of the medals to the chapters will be the responsibility of the Committee Chairman assisted by the Chairman of the Awards Committee. (4) All applicants are required to be sponsored by a Virginia chapter, unless sponsored by The Virginia Society in the event no such chapter representation exists. Each sponsoring organization will select its winning application and forward a copy to The Virginia Society Eagle Scout Chairman for entry into the State level of competition that will be judged by the members of The Virginia Society Eagle Scout Committee. Committee Members:
Robert E. Burt Boy Scout Volunteer Award
Virginia SAR Eagle Scout Recognition Medal![]() The Eagle Scout Recognition Medal was authorized in 2022. The red, white and blue colors of the drape symbolize honor, loyalty and courage and are present on ribbons of the BSA Eagle Scout and the Robert E. Burt awards. The silver eagle on a field of blue in the center of the medallion represents the eagle on the eagle statue awarded to the state winner of the Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest. The medal is earned upon the presentation of 10 Eagle Scout recognition packages consisting of a certificate, congratulatory letter and scholarship information flyer at an Eagle Court of Honor. Presentations at a Court of Honor for more than one Eagle Scout counts as the number presented. Alternatively, delivery of 50 such packages via mail satisfies the requirement. The Virginia SAR President may also award this medal to individuals demonstrating exceptional service in the cultivation of relationships with the Boy Scouts of America in Virginia. The Eagle Scout Recognition medal will be administered by the Virginia SAR Eagle Scout Program committee. Chapters will be responsible for documenting the names of Compatriots who participated in qualifying presentations for the purposes of the Eagle Scout Recognition medal. Precedence 61f. |