Sgt. Moses Adams Memorial Middle School Brochure Contest

The SAR Middle School Contest is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade Middle School students in public, private and home schools. When school systems are participating in the contest, students will enter through their school system. If they are not participating, students may enter directly to the chapter, through scouting or the C.A.R. (Children of the American Revolution). Regardless of how the student enters, he/she/they may only enter one brochure per year. All brochures will be created by the individual student, no group entries are allowed. Contest rules can be found below.

Please be aware that the local application deadline dates may vary, so interested applicants should reach out to their local SAR chapter or contact Tom Hamill, email; [email protected] for further details. 

What is the Theme? | How Does the Contest Work? | How Do I Get Started? | Committee

Middle school students across Virginia from all schools, including home school, are encouraged to enter the SAR brochure contest to showcase your artistic talent and love of U.S. history.


The SAR Middle School Contest is to create a tri-fold brochure out of a typical 8 ½” x 11″ piece of paper. The brochure must conform to the contest theme which is one the nine foundational documents of the United States which the student selects. The brochure will be judged on: Content, Creativity and Correctness. The judging criteria rates highest personally drawn art work and text authored by the student as opposed to cut and paste from books, magazines and the Internet. The use of software tools by the student for creating the brochure, and even the art work, is permissible.


The SAR Brochure Contest theme is currently any of these nine (9) Foundational Documents of the United States:

  • Articles of Association of 1774
  • The Virginia Declaration of Rights 1776
  • Declaration of Independence 1776
  • Articles of Confederation 1777–1781
  • General Washingtons Resignation as Commander of the Continental Army 1783
  • U.S. Constitution 1787
  • Federalist Papers 1788
  • Bill of Rights 1791
  • President Washington’s Farewell Address 1796

Starting in the school year 2023–2024 and for the following ten years, the Brochure contest will also include the creation of brochures based on the celebration of 250th anniversary events of the Revolutionary period. These themes and celebration of these events include:

  • 1773–2023 The Boston Tea Party
  • 1774–2024 The First Continental Congress
  • 1775–2025 The Battles of Lexington and Concord
  • 1776–2026 The Battle of Princeton and Valley Forge
  • 1777–2027 The Battle of Saratoga
  • 1778–2028 The French Alliance
  • 1779–2029 The Siege of Vincennes or Fort Sackville Battle of Kettle Creek
  • 1780–2030 Battle of Kings Mountain
  • 1781–2031 Siege of Yorktown
  • 1782–2032 Battle of Blue Licks
  • 1783–2033 Treaty of Paris

Therefore, this year, the 2024–2025 school year, students can chose from the nine foundational documents as well as The First Continental Congress or the Battles of Lexington and Concord.


The contest consists of three levels. The first level is sponsored by the local SAR Chapter. Chapter winners advance to the State level. The first-place State winner then advanced into the SAR national competition to compete for the national prizes. All entries begin at the local Chapter level. The only exception is where schools/classes/youth groups wish to conduct their own competition, submitting one winner to the local SAR Chapter competition. Individual students do not submit their entry directly to the Chapter. All entries must go through a school, scouting organization, or C.A.R. Society. Even home school submissions should go through their association. The participating Chapter should be within the local area of the young person entering the contest

Local Chapter-level contest Deadline

Students/parents should contact your local chapter representative for deadlines and assistance with the submission process.  Local deadlines are commonly mid- to late-December of each year. 

State Contest Submission Deadline

Chapter representatives should submit winning entries to the Virginia SAR state committee chair no later than 15 January.


  • Ask your teacher, or C.A.R., or scouting adult leader to supervise the SAR Brochure Contest.
  • Ask them to contact a local SAR Chapter within your local area for deadlines and guidelines.
  • Make sure you conform to the guidelines and rules of the contest provided by SAR (below).
  • Deadlines vary among Chapters – Make sure that your teacher, or adult leader, learns the appropriate deadline for your local SAR Chapter.


Virginia SAR Poster and Brochure Committee

Learn more about the Committee and compatriot benefits for supporting this program.

  • J. Thomas "Tom" Hamill (Chair) (Culpeper Minutemen) [email protected]
  • Thomas W. "Chip" Daniel (Colonel James Wood II)