Colonel James Wood II Chapter SAR

SAR Eagle logo for Colonel James Wood II ChapterThe Colonel James Wood, II Chapter SAR was chartered in September 14, 2007 and is one of eight chapters in the Northern Region. The chapter draws its membership from northwest Virginia including the Northern Shenandoah Valley and the City of Winchester. Membership is open to any male descendant who can prove lineal descent from someone who aided in the American Revolutionary War.

The chapter has received numerous honors from the National Society at recent Annual Congress awards banquet to include the President General's Chapter Activities Award (2021 - winner; 2022 - honorable mention) and the President General's Cup (2022 - honorable mention), which goes to the chapter, based upon size, with the most complete program of activities.

Since 2019, the chapter has been honored with the National Society's USS Stark Memorial Award given annually to chapters with the best record of service to veterans (50–99 members category - 2019, 2020, 2021; 100–199 members category - 2022, 2023). Other honors include the Liberty Bell Americanism Award (50–99 members category - 2020; 100–199 members category - 2021) awarded by the National Society to the chapter, based upon size, that presents evidence of best implementing SAR resolutions and principles.

 Chapter Resources

  • Visit our website, to learn the latest about our namesake, and our patriotic, historical and educational programs, events and services to the community.
  • Chapter President: Paul Christensen

Chapter News