Colonel Fielding Lewis Chapter SAR

Since its charter on March 13, 1999, the Colonel Fielding Lewis Chapter SAR has been spurred by its area membership representing the counties of King George, Caroline, Spotsylvania, Stafford and the City of Fredericksburg. This Eastern Piedmont area chapter is one of eight chapters forming the Northern Region of the Virginia SAR. It is one of eight chapters considered part of the Northern Region of the Virginia SAR. The chapter website,, supports its members, prospects and the local community to learn more about the chapter's activities, programs and services.

Who is Fielding Lewis?

Colonel Fielding Lewis (ca. 1758) in colonial attire painted by John Wollaston

Fielding Lewis (1725–1781) is a recognized patriot of the American Revolution and listed as SAR Patriot P-235901.

The Gunnery News - Chapter Newsletter