The Triple Test

The Triple Test

by James "Ros" Poplar

In 1973, historian Richard B. Morris wrote the seminal work “Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny: The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries." The book details a series of biographical sketches of the most seven influential leaders of the American Revolution along with a detailed chronology of the events that led to their commitment to the American cause. Mr. Morris refers to the men possessing the "triple tests" of leadership, longevity and statesmanship.

All of these men played indispensable roles in the formation of the of the United States of America. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were members of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence. The Federalist Papers, which advocated the ratification of the Constitution, were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. And last but not least, George Washington was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, president of the Constitutional Convention, and our first president.

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Reflections on President's Day 2025

First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his fellow countrymen

We will soon observe the birthday of one of the founders of this great nationGeneral and President George Washington who was born on February 22, 1732.  The intent of “Presidents Day” is to honor the legacy of all Presidents, but I believe this marginalizes our first Founding Father’s unparalleled accomplishments.  Washington single handedly lead the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War, presided over the Constitutional Convention, and was our very Chief Executive. What a lasting legacy!

On the December 4, 1783nine days after the last British soldiers left America George Washington invited the officers of the Continental Army to join him in the Long Room of Fraunces Tavern so he could say farewell. The best-known account of this emotional leave-taking comes from the Memoirs of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge written in 1830.

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Chapters celebrate President Day's Weekend

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Feb. 15, 2025)—A joint SAR–DAR wreath laying ceremony was held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House Burial Ground, following by the 2025 George Washington Birthday Parade, held in downtown Alexandria.

More than 50 attendees braved the rain during the wreath laying ceremony and parade including newly inducted Virginia SAR President Michael Weyler, along with Virginia Society Children of the American Revolution (V.S.C.A.R.) State President Sarah Terpenning, SAR Secretary General Michael J. Elston, Virginia SAR Color Guard Commander Brett Osborn flanked by the Virginia SAR Color Guard in colonial attire, with numerous SAR chapter officers and compatriots from George Washington Chapter, George Mason Chapter, Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Col. William Grayson Chapter, Col. James Wood II Chapter, Sgt. Maj. John Champe Chapter, along with National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) chapters, including wreath-laying ceremony co-hosts, the Kate Waller Barrett Chapter, NSDAR; along with John Alexander Chapter, NSDAR; and the Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter, NSDAR, and members of local V.S.C.A.R. societies.

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Weyler Inducted as Virginia SAR President

GLEN ALLEN, Va. (Feb. 8, 2025) – In a memorable ceremony conducted by the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR), Michael E. Weyler, Ph.D., was installed as the 105th President of the Virginia SAR by National SAR President General Darryl Addington in ceremonies held during the 135th Annual Meeting within the Henrico Ballroom of the Virginia Crossings Hotel.

Dr. Michael E. Weyler succeeded William D. Greaf, DPA (Williamsburg Chapter SAR) who served as the 104th Virginia SAR President in 2024–25. President Greaf was awarded the state society's highest award—the Patriot Medal—for his outstanding leadership and accomplishments during the past year.  Dr. Greaf also received a sword and scabbard as a gift from his Virginia SAR officers.

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Service Above Self

Service Above Self

by Ros Poplar.

America was founded almost 250 years on the principles of rugged individualism and self-sufficiency. Even in those days the journey from the old world to the new world was fraught with peril and many of America’s early settlers did not survive the journey due to exposure to the elements or disease. Upon arrival in the new  world our ancestors, despite the harsh living conditions, banded together and formed the nascent communities that have over time evolved into major and vibrant colonial cities such as New York and Boston. The eventually expanded out west drawn by the prospects of abundant land and resources that were only available in the old world to nobility or people of means.

After these cities were established and thriving people were drawn to the vast expanse of the western United States where land was readily available for the taking and one could become affluent overnight if they struck it rich while panning for gold in the California Republic of striking oil in the vast expanses of the Republic of Texas. The American spirit of adventurism and self-reliance was  indeed, live, and well but even then, there were those who were less fortunate and American communities lead by church groups or simply good neighbors looked after those who were less fortunate or down on their luck. Neighbors indeed helped neighbors through such organized activities as barn raisings or even gestures of
kindness as preparing meals for those unable to provide for themselves.

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Medical Musings - Feb 2025

Charles E. Driscoll, MD, the Surgeon General, Virginia SAR has published the following articles:

Medical Tips - Annoyed by that Bald Spot?

Surgeon General's War Report: Surgeon General’s Report to Virginia’s Naval Surgeons on Smallpox, 1778

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Four Sgt Maj John Champe Compatriots recognized by NSDAR

(LOUDON COUNTY, Va. - Dec. 2024) —Four members of the Sergeant Major John Champe Chapter SAR were recognized with the Hannah White Arnett Bronze Medal of Distinction by three chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in December DAR meetings.

The medal is presented to SAR Compatriots for "Extraordinary Cooperation and Outstanding Service to NSDAR." The awards were approved by the National Chair DAR/SAR/S.R. Relations Committee. Sgt Major John Champe Chapter SAR has closely worked with Virginia District V and VIII DAR Chapters since the chapter re-chartered in February 2022. The chapter gives presentations at DAR meetings, presents colors at DAR events, and jointly plans and executes a variety of events. An example of such an event was “Stars, Stripes and Fall Delights” at the Winery at LaGrange on November 10, 2024. At this event, the Sgt Major John Champe Chapter SAR and Col. William Grayson Chapter SAR with several DAR Chapters conducted a day-long event open to the public. The two SAR chapters led a commemoration of the United States Marine Corps Birthday, honored POW/MIA with a Missing Man Table presentation, opened the event with advancing and posting colors, and executed a skit commemorating the 1st Continental Congress.

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GWSAR Launches Test of QR Code Project for Revolutionary War Graves

(ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Aug. 2024)To help tell the story of our Revolutionary War Patriots, the George Washington Chapter placed small markers with a QR (Quick Response) code that link to the patriot’s biography and service record on the SAR’s Patriot Research System (PRS).    Not only will this give the public a greater appreciation of the service of our Patriots but will also help publicize the society.  QR markers were placed in the Presbyterian Meeting House section of the Wilkes Street complex in Alexandria and in the Flint Hill cemetery in Vienna.  Unfortunately, some of the cemeteries where our chapter has marked patriot graves in the past declined to give us permission to place these QR code markers.  GWSAR Compatriot Luc Chevalier assisted Paul Walden, Grave Marking Chair, in placing these markers.  This first batch of markers is a test case to see how long these last in the elements and while we research more economical options for producing these markers.  

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Richmond Chapter Honors Susannah Bolling

NORTH CHESTERFIELD, Va. - (Oct. 27, 2024)—The Richmond Chapter SAR dedicated a marker honoring Susannah Bolling at the site of Lafayette's headquarters. Approximately 80 people attended the ceremony held at the Half Way House Restaurant. This 16-year-old girl saved General Lafayette from capture by British General Cornwallis, paving the way for the Battle of Yorktown.

As the story goes, British General Cornwallis quartered in her family’s home. Susanna overheard his plot to capture General Lafayette headquartered at the Half Way House, 10 miles away. Susanna snuck out, rode through the night, and warned Lafayette who escaped in May 1781. The manor house was built in 1760 as a stage-coach stop and inn, and served as Lafayette's military headquarters. 

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Celebrating Patriot Burials: Pomeroy Marker Dedication at Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery

On a cool and crisp autumn day, November 23, 2024, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR) gathered at the historic Trinity Lutheran Church in Stephens City, Virginia. The occasion was to dedicate a Virginia SAR–Pomeroy Foundation Patriot Burials®️ marker, a significant addition to the cemetery that honors the final resting places of American Revolutionary War patriots.

The William G. Pomeroy Foundation, committed to the celebration and preservation of community history, provided the grant for this important marker. Their mission to commemorate historical events and figures is realized through grants for signage, including roadside markers and plaques. One of their notable programs recognizes the burial sites of Revolutionary War patriots, an initiative embraced by the Virginia Society SAR. By installing these markers and conducting dedication ceremonies, the Virginia SAR ensures that the contributions of these early American heroes are remembered and honored.

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City of Alexandria Commemorates Bicentennial of Marquis de La Fayette's Return with New Heritage Trail Marker

George Washington Chapter Virginia SAR in Partnership with City of Alexandria Commemorates Bicentennial of Marquis de La Fayette's Return with New Heritage Trail Marker

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – October 16, 2024 – In a ceremony held exactly 200 years since the historic event, the City of Alexandria honored the return of Marquis de La Fayette to the United States with the unveiling of a new Alexandria Heritage Trail marker. The marker stands proudly at the corner of the Lafayette House at 301 Saint Asaph Street, where La Fayette resided during his visit in 1824.

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Lafayette’s Legacy Lives On: Williamsburg Chapter SAR Color Guard's Tribute at Colonial Williamsburg

Williamsburg Chapter SAR Color Guard Commemorates Bicentennial of Lafayette's Return at Colonial Williamsburg

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. – October 20, 2024 – The Williamsburg Chapter SAR Color Guard took part in a grand celebration marking the 200th anniversary of Marquis de Lafayette's return to the United States, celebrated at Colonial Williamsburg. The event, which commemorated Lafayette’s visit as "America's Guest," saw a splendid display of historical reenactment and pageantry.

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Remembering Major Lawrence Butler: A Revolutionary War Patriot Honored in White Post

Grave Marking Ceremony in White Post Honors Revolutionary War Veteran Major Lawrence Butler

(WHITE POST, Va. - Oct. 6, 2024)—The Col James Wood II Chapter, Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution conducted a grave marking ceremony to honor Major Lawrence Butler at the Dearmont Farm Cemetery, White Post, Virginia.

Major Butler, (SAR Patriot P-126563), was a prominent figure in Virginia during the American Revolution. He was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He enlisted in December 1776 as a 1st Lieutenant in the 15th Virginia Regiment and was promoted to Captain lieutenant 18 March 1777. The unit was redesignated 11th Virginia on 14 September 1778 and he was promoted to Captain on 14 May 1779. On 12 May 1780 at the Battle of Charleston, he was taken prisoner and held until exchanged in July 1781. Butler was transferred to the 4th Virginia Regiment 12 February 1781 where he served until the end of the war. He reentered the Army as a Major in the 8th Infantry on 24 April 1799 and honorably discharged 15 June 1800.

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Fairfax Resolves Chapter Joins Maryland SAR to Honor French Alliance at Historic Wreath-Laying Event

Fairfax Resolves Chapter Joins Maryland SAR to Honor French Alliance at Historic Wreath-Laying Event

(ANNAPOLIS, Md. – September 19, 2024) — Members of the Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Virginia Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR), including compatriots with dual membership to the S.A.R. La Société en France (France Society SAR), formed alongside compatriots from the John Paul Jones Chapter, Maryland SAR, gathered at Worden Field, United States Naval Academy, to commemorate a pivotal moment in American history. This wreath-laying ceremony honored the French Army’s encampment at this very site in 1781, a crucial prelude to the Siege of Yorktown.

From September 18–21, 1781, General Rochambeau’s French Army camped at Worden Field, preparing for their journey to Virginia. On the morning of September 21st, they boarded 15 ships, setting sail to join General George Washington’s forces. This alliance was instrumental in securing American independence, culminating in the decisive victory at Yorktown.

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Virginia SAR Chapters Unite to Celebrate Revolutionary War Milestone

Sgt Maj John Champe Chapter Commemorates the 1st Virginia Convention

Leesburg, VA – On August 11, the Sgt Maj John Champe (SMJC) Chapter of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR) held a commemoration of the 1st Virginia Convention at the Revolutionary War Memorial on the lawn of the Loudoun County Courthouse in Leesburg. The event was attended by the Honorable Kelly Burk, Mayor of Leesburg; compatriots from the Col. James Wood II, Col. William Grayson, and George Mason chapters; members of the Providence and Rev John Marks Societies, Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.); ladies of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) representing the Elizabeth McIntosh Hammill, Ketoctin, Mary Hemings Bell, Lanes Mill, and Providence chapters; the Virginia DAR-SAR-SR liaison; and the Post Commander of American Legion Post 34. Approximately four family groups observed the ceremony from the lawn.

The 1st Virginia Convention, held on August 1, 1774, in Williamsburg, was a pivotal moment in American Revolutionary history. Convened in response to the British Parliament's punitive measures against Boston, it marked Virginia's first step towards self-governance. The convention, led by Peyton Randolph, adopted resolutions for a trade embargo against Britain and called for a Continental Congress. This assembly demonstrated Virginia's commitment to colonial unity and resistance, setting a precedent for future conventions and contributing significantly to the broader revolutionary movement.

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A Hero's Welcome: Virginia SAR and Honor Guards Unite at Dulles

Virginia SAR Compatriots Welcome Veterans with Honor and Respect at Dulles International Airport

(Dulles, Va. - August 28, 2024) — The Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR) compatriots from three chapters came together to extend a warm and patriotic welcome to 117 veterans arriving on a Chicago Honor Flight at Dulles International Airport. The event was a heartfelt tribute to the brave men and women who served in the Korean and Vietnam wars.

As the veterans disembarked from the People Movers and transitioned to waiting buses, the SAR team consisting of members of Sgt Maj John Champe, Col James Wood II, and Fairfax Resolves chapters proudly presented the colors, creating a striking and respectful display. The veterans, representing all branches of the military—ten from the USAF, 80 from the Army, seven Marines, and 20 from the Navy—were visibly moved by the honor and recognition bestowed upon them.

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Williamsburg Chapter Recognize Eagle Scouts

The Williamsburg Chapter, Virginia SAR has been active working with the Boy Scouts of our area.  On two occasions we have had the privilege of presenting Sons of the American Revolution Boy Scout Certificate of Recognition. Scholarship applications were also given to the scouts. 


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The American Spirit Endures




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Qualities that Define a Leader

Qualities that Define a Leader
a guest article by Ros Poplar

Mr. Craig Fehrman notes in his book “The Story of John Adams Perilous Transatlantic Voyage” our future President of the United States and Founding Father, John Adams, demonstrated early on the qualities that define a  true leader. In 1778 the Continental Congress asked Adams to go to France to serve as a diplomat for our fledgling Republic.  John Quincy, his ten-year-old son also accompanied him on the voyage – thus two future American presidents made the trip together.

On 13 February Adams and his son boarded the Boston, a 24-gun frigate for a treacherous and frigid winter Atlantic crossing known for its storms and ice flows. Then it was not uncommon for ships to sink at sea with the loss of all hands.  Mother nature can be both beautiful and cruel to those who go down to the sea in ships and a crossing in the Winter is especially treacherous. 

After weathering severe storms  and outrunning a British Man of War, the Boston’s crew spotted another British ship.  After the ship’s Captain asked Adams to go below, the Boston sped towards an armed British merchantman named the Martha. The Martha fired several shots with the cannonballs flying directly over Adam’s head.  In the midst of this John Adams was seen brandishing a musket while  preparing to engage the British. “My dear sir,” the Captain asked, “how came you here?” “I ought to do my share of fighting,” Adams promptly replied. 

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The Republic Endures

The Republic Endures

— article by Ros Poplar

Next year we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America or our semiquincentennial. On this date 250 years ago our Founding Fathers at great peril to their lives declared their independence from then the most powerful nation of the face of the earth – Great Britain. Many of our Founders would lose their lives, livelihood, and property in the ensuing conflict, but they were willing to risk it all for the cause of liberty.

Our Republic has stood the test of time through numerous armed conflicts, a disastrous civil war that threatened to end our very existence, the Great Depression and yet we continue to this day to persevere serving as Ronald Reagan stated "that shinning city on the hill' that provides the beacon of freedom for those oppressed around the world. Though we may have our flaws there is no other nation of the face of the earth like the great experiment of American democracy that endures to this very day.

Near the end of his second term as president, George Washington published The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America on His Declining the Presidency of the United States better known subsequently as his “Farewell Address" The address’s most frequently cited passage is a paragraph on the essential place of morality, and particularly of religion, in civic life:

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