Lapel pins: Display your rank in the Virginia Society First Virginia Regiment
The National Society has the George Washington Endowment Fund. Other state societies have various trusts that support their operations. The National Society and other state societies award lapel pins to their donors to wear as a special testament to the donor's generosity.
When you make a contribution under the First Virginia Regiment program, the Virginia Society shall award you, or the person in whose name you make the contribution, a lapel pin with the insignia of the appropriate rank in the First Virginia Regiment.
a) A contribution of at least $100.00 shall entitle the donor to the rank of "Sergeant."

b) A contribution of at least $300.00 shall entitle the donor to the rank of "Captain."
 c) A contribution of at least $500.00 shall entitle the donor to the rank of "Colonel."
 d) A contribution of at least $1,000.00 shall entitle the donor to the rank of "General."
 e) A contribution of at least $5,000.00 shall entitle the donor to the rank of "General of the Virginia Militias."

Donations are cumulative.
A donor may contribute $100.00 in one year, and be "commissioned" as a Sergeant. Later on, the same donor may contribute an additional amount, and be promoted to a higher rank. For example, if this same donor contributes $100.00 annually, after the third $ I 00.00 donation, he would be promoted to Captain, and after the fifth $100.00 donation, he would be promoted to Colonel. With each promotion, this donor would receive the lapel pin appropriate for his new rank.
Records of all donations under the First Virginia Regiment program shall be maintained by the Virginia Society.
You can designate that your entire contribution should be allocated to any of the five Virginia Society Trust Funds, or you can divide your contribution among two or more of the trust funds