Nominating Committee

a) The Nominating Committee is charged with proposing a full slate of candidates for office who meet the requirements set forth in the Bylaws of the organization.

b) The Immediate Past President Chairs this Committee. The Committee is comprised of five members. Three of whom must be Past Presidents of the Virginia Society. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall select the other members of his committee and so inform the current President.

c) The candidates proposed should meet the standard of being interested in the organization, willing to serve, and able to carry out the duties of the office for which they are nominated. The Committee should be guided by common sense in identifying and recruiting men who meet these standards and conduct itself with the grace and dignity expected of a society of gentlemen. The committee should plan to announce the slate of candidates no later than the first week of December to the Executive Committee. The final slate of candidates should be first presented to the Board of Managers at the annual Business Meeting then to the general membership for their approval.


  • Earnie Coggins (Immediate Past President)
  • R. Bruce Meyer (Thomas Nelson, Jr.)
  • Timothy F. Ahlgrim (East Region) Norfolk
  • Gary L. Hall (Central Region) Dan River
  • Patrick M. Kelly (Central/Frontier Region) Thomas Jefferson