Knight/Patty Fund

The Virginia Society presently provides for Trustees for the GEORGE KNIGHT/ KENNETH C. PATTY MEMORIAL TRUST FUND Under the terms of the Trust Declaration, the Trustees are: (1) KNIGHT/PATTY FUND: Three (3) Trustees
(a) The Treasurer of the Society,
(b) Two persons nominated by the President and elected by the Board of Managers 
(c) The elected Trustees shall serve for a term of at least three years. 

Both elected trustees should not be replaced at the same time so that institutional memory is preserved.


(1) For the information of the members the purposes of the Knight/Patty Fund are paraphrased as follows: 

The purposes and objectives of the fund are patriotic, historical, educational and charitable, including those intended or designed to:

(a) Perpetuate the memory of the men who achieved the independence of the United States of America, especially during 1775 to 1783.
(b) Inspire their descendants and the community at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the government founded by our forefathers.
(c) Encourage historical research relative to the American Revolution.
(d) Acquire and preserve individual service records, document, relics and landmarks.
(e) Mark the scenes of the American Revolution by appropriate memorials.
(f) Accomplish other such purposes and objects that are in keeping with the preservation of Americanism and truly contained in the U.S. Constitution and as espoused by the Virginia Society.

(2) Requests for grants from the Knight/Patty Trust Fund must be submitted through a chapter or the Executive Committee using the proper Grant Request Form.  Individuals or outside entities cannot request funds from this trust.  The Grant Request Form is available from the Trustees are in the “Forms” appendix to the handbook.  Note: The Trustees reserve the right to make direct grants at their discretion.

(3) In accordance with the trust fund document “No expenditure … may be made except … by the joint concurrence of at least two of the three trustees… “Under this clause, the fund cannot provide an open-ended reoccurring financial commitment.

(4) Expenditures are to be made by the Knight/Patty Trustees directly, and without intervention of the Board of Managers of the Virginia Society.   


  • Christopher N. "Kirk" Sheap, M.D. (Chair) (Fort Harrison), [email protected]
  • Frederick N. "Rick" Elofson (Thomas Nelson, Jr.)
  • Michael J. Elston, Esq. (George Washington)

Donations to the Knight/Patty Fund

Virginia SAR compatriots and the general public are encouraged to support the Knight/Patty Fund. Your contributions enrich the Virginia SAR educational, historical and patriotic programs and services across the Commonwealth.
State-level donations designated to benefit the Knight/Patty shall be given a rank in the Virginia Society First Virginia Regiment, based on the level of the contribution.