Historical Goals

  • We commemorate and provide memorials for the people and events of the American Revolution.

  • We shall preserve records relating to the events leading up to and during the American Revolution. The SAR was a major force behind the construction of the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and the collection of historic documents therein.

  • We support genealogical research and presentations (books, articles, and presentations) related to the history and people of the period from 1750 until 1800. The National SAR Magazine publishes authoritative descriptions of historical events in a quality magazine of archival value. Our Revolutionary War Graves Committee published information on some 54,000 grave sites of patriots in the SAR Revolutionary War Graves Register, published in 1993. More names have been collected and the entire 140,000 names and locations have now been published. The Patriot Index Committee is publishing information on 732,000 patriots and their descendants.


★彡彡 Patriotic Goals ミミ★

Educational Goals