Executive Committee


This committee is responsible for the day-to-day decisions necessary to operate the Virginia Society. The President of the Virginia Society chairs this Committee. Actions or recommendations of the Executive Committee concerning the national trustee, the budget, the trust funds, nominations, amendments, and resolutions are ratified by the Board of Managers. The Executive Committee meets at the call of the State President. . The Executive Committee should prepare a recommendation on such proposed revisions to be given at the Board of Managers Meeting. However, the Executive Committee does not have the authority to prevent any proposed revisions to the Constitution or Bylaws being raised by the membership during any General Membership Meeting.


Dr. William D. Greaf                                              Williamsburg



Dr. Michael E. Weyler                                            Colonel William Grayson
Darrin M. Schmidt                                                  Fairfax Resolves
Timothy D. Dioquino                                            Fairfax Resolves
Frederick N. Elofson                                              Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Eric H. Monday, Esq.                                              Fincastle Resolutions