(LOUDON COUNTY, Va. - Dec. 2024) —Four members of the Sergeant Major John Champe Chapter SAR were recognized with the Hannah White Arnett Bronze Medal of Distinction by three chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in December DAR meetings.
The medal is presented to SAR Compatriots for "Extraordinary Cooperation and Outstanding Service to NSDAR." The awards were approved by the National Chair DAR/SAR/S.R. Relations Committee. Sgt Major John Champe Chapter SAR has closely worked with Virginia District V and VIII DAR Chapters since the chapter re-chartered in February 2022. The chapter gives presentations at DAR meetings, presents colors at DAR events, and jointly plans and executes a variety of events. An example of such an event was “Stars, Stripes and Fall Delights” at the Winery at LaGrange on November 10, 2024. At this event, the Sgt Major John Champe Chapter SAR and Col. William Grayson Chapter SAR with several DAR Chapters conducted a day-long event open to the public. The two SAR chapters led a commemoration of the United States Marine Corps Birthday, honored POW/MIA with a Missing Man Table presentation, opened the event with advancing and posting colors, and executed a skit commemorating the 1st Continental Congress.